The uBuntu Civics Academy School

WELCOME!The uBuntu Civics Academy School creates courses, workshops and initiatives on and around uBuntu with SEEDS of uBuntu being our foundational basic course on uBuntu. The uBuntu Civics Academy was established to enable the Reclaiming and the Living of uBuntu and to Cultivate an uBuntu Conscious Society. As a student, you participate in this mission and purpose.

uBuntu is a Consciousness and a Way of Being in the world.

In Africa, this Consciousness has been passed down from generations to generations, mostly in an oral fashion and as a way of living, to where we find ourselves today: at the threshold of the era of uBuntu.


The birth of the uBuntu Civics Academy School goes back many years … from the early childhood inquiry into what it meant to be alive and to be human, that flowed into many years of study and active involvement and the advancement of uBuntu. It was born from real appreciation and love for uBuntu and excitement about the incredible Gift that it is. It continues to be driven by the instinctive Knowing – the Consciousness, that there is something very special that unites us and that provides the answer to all our questions about life…. Our uBuntu.

This Consciousness is uniquely lived and expressed in Africa – regarded by many as the Cradle of Humankind, and has its roots in the world acclaimed ancient Spirituality of uBuntu that has suffered great setback with the arrival of the colonizers and the missionaries who felt called to ‘civilize’ and evangelize her people - alienating them from their African Spirituality.

There is an ever-growing resounding call for the reclaiming of uBuntu, and we owe it to uBuntu and the whole world to heed to this call. This is the purpose of the uBuntu Civics Academy School. We are bringing this Ancient Gift of Unity to the world and spreading the seeds of the Truth of Who We Really are through our School. We are growing a new generation of uBuntu Keepers!

uBuntu – uMuntu Ngumuntu Ngabantu

A person (as part of the greater Kosmos), is a person through other persons.

I Am because We Are.

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